Hosted call recording: What you need to know

Call recording is an essential tool for maintaining service standards, and hosted call recording is a popular option that is making this task easier than ever. Hosted services allow you to streamline the process of recording, saving and retrieving calls. Here is everything you need to know about hosted call recording.


Hosted call recording is a versatile solution

Hosted call recording is a valuable solution for anybody that regularly takes customer calls, including education, finance, government, healthcare and legal services organizations. Whether your business provides IT helpdesk services or you have a call center that takes only the occasional customer service question or complaint, call recording will help you gather valuable information from each communication with your customers.


Recorded calls improve quality

One of the most important benefits of call recording is the ability to manage and improve call quality. You can use your recorded calls to spot check employees by listening to recordings from previous calls. This will help you identify weaknesses in an employee’s customer service skills, allowing you to solve potential issues before they can lead to a major.

Recorded calls also serve as a useful training tool. You can select prime examples of various types of customer communications and use them for training purposes. There is no need to rely on outdated calls as, with a hosted call recording service, you will have a constant supply of recent customer interactions to choose from, keeping your training materials up to date.


Call recording helps with legal matters

If you are dealing with a lawsuit or customer complaint that relates to one of your previous calls, you can quickly resolve the issue by pulling up the conversation in question. You will have a log of all related calls so you can determine whether the problem is an isolated one or a persistent issue.

There are various legal and regulatory requirements pertaining to the act of recording telephone calls that it is the responsibility of your business to meet if introducing call recording. These requirements will vary depending on the location your business is based in and the industry it operates in. If you are unsure of what laws and regulations apply to your business, seek legal counsel before subscribing to a hosted call recording service.


Hosted call recording simplifies storage

There are a number of ways you can record calls, but the benefit of hosted call recording is that it makes storing calls convenient. You do not have to worry about freeing up data storage on-site, or investing in extra capacity, as your provider stores your calls in the cloud for 30-90 days. This means you can access your call recordings at any time, but do not have to worry about storing and protecting them yourself.

However, if you want to store calls for longer than the period agreed with your provider you will need store them on-site before that period expires.


Detailed information is readily available

Hosted call recording offers a range of other benefits. These typically include the availability of detailed analytical data about your calls and the ability to easily check the date, time, caller telephone number, duration, annotations and comments regarding individual calls. You can evaluate calls via most providers’ programs, and make additional notes on the call log that are stored with the original call for future reference.

Hosted call recording will help you maintain a high level of quality and accountability in your call center, and is a service that no company should be without. Bundled with your other telecommunications, hosted call recording is an affordable option that will fit neatly in with your other telephone and internet services.